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There are 1 results of your search for bunnies to that.

bunnies to that

an exclamation to a situation: This regionalism was said by a sales clerk in Bairnsdale. (I am visiting from the US.) She used it to explain a customer's reaction to why certain items were no longer in stock. "Bunnies to that!"

Contributor's comments: This is probably not a regionalism but just a particular persons quirky quote.

Contributor's comments: Never heard of it. Must be unique to East Gippsland.

Contributor's comments: I live about 2 hours from Bairnsdale and I go to school with people from that area and I have never heard this term before.

Contributor's comments: [This is] just an old fashioned way of saying "No Way".

Contributor's comments: My mum in Perth also used to say this. It was a polite way of saying "bugger that". She's in her 60s now, so maybe it's a generation thing?

Contributor's comments: My father, from Perth, also used the phrase "bunnies to that" or just plain "bunnies!". It meant "like buggery" or "bugger that", depending on context.

Contributor's comments: In Adelaide in the 50s when children said "Bunnies" they meant "I disagree" or "You're talking rubbish!"