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There are 1 results of your search for casual day.

casual day

a day on which informal/casual clothing may be worn instead of uniforms or suits. Compare free dress day, in uniform day, mufti day, out of uniform day.
Contributor's comments: [Sydney informant] A special occasion when casual clothing is permitted in an office environment as opposed to usual business attire. Equivalent to "casual day" as was the term used when I lived in Adelaide (until 1999).

Contributor's comments: Tends to be called 'out of uniform' day in Melbourne schools and kids pay a certain amount for the privilege and the money goes to a 'good cause'. Schools that don't have a uniform have an 'in uniform' day where they don any uniform.

Contributor's comments: In Sydney in the '80s and '90s, kids took a coin for charity and wore plain clothes, and that was called a mufti day. Recently, big city firms have a casual dress code on Fridays, but I forget what it's called.

Contributor's comments: [from northern Victoria] We always called them casual days, I can't say I've ever heard that they were called anything different.

Contributor's comments: In highschool in Adelaide, this was always known a 'civvies day', presumably as in short for civilian clothes day.

Contributor's comments: It was called Casual day at several schools I went to here in Melbourne.

Contributor's comments: A "casual day" is a day where students are allowed do wear "casual clothes", in other words, not school uniform. "Casual days" are usually used as fundraisers, in which the student makes a gold coin donation for the privilege of wearing casual clothes.