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There are 1 results of your search for dogbox.


1.  An un-airconditioned transportable class room used in schools where the summer heat reaches over 45 degrees: My next lesson's in one of the dogboxes.
2.  any small inferior house or accommodation.

Contributor's comments: [Adelaide informant] Dogbox is not just used to describe transportables, but any housing style deemed inferior i.e. when driving through an outer suburb "...look at all those brick veneer dogboxes..."

Contributor's comments: "Dogbox" is also used in Perth to describe small inferior housing or accomodation. "They live in a real dogbox!"

Contributor's comments: [West Central Qld informant] Different meaning - The storage extention to a truck crate up over the cabin.

Contributor's comments: A dogbox was a Melbourne suburban train that had outward swinging doors on bothsides of the train providing entry to bench seat compartments without connecting aisles. The carriages were red and of timber construction. I rode in them when going to school in the late 50's early 60's.

Contributor's comments: In Melbourne the inferior accommodation meaning of term is used, but specifically to refer to the newer inner city apartments because they're generally so small.