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There are 1 results of your search for yabbo.


Refers to a scruffy ill-mannered boor. A person with little class: Robert is acting more and more like a yabbo every day.

Contributor's comments: I'm pretty sure its yobbo, especially if you're from north Queensland.

Contributor's comments: I agree that in the Brisbane area I have only ever heard "yobbo", spelt with an "o".

Contributor's comments: Crude beer drinking young male: "The yabbo at the end of the bar can't hold his drink."

Contributor's comments: Drunken snot of a so called man: "The yabbo puked his drink all over his shoes."

Contributor's comments: In WA it is spelt with an o, "yobbo"

Contributor's comments: not certain what 'yabbo' means but the 'yobbo' comments refer perhaps more to a lout or larrikin, in this day and age seen more as a 'gassed up' or drunk 'touring car fan at Bathurst' type complete with 'wifebeater' tank top and 'stubbies' both the short trouser and alcohol packaging variety.