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There are 1 results of your search for rubbish collector.

rubbish collector

noun a garbage collector. Also, rubbishman.

Contributor's comments: [In Perth] GARBO is what you call a rubbish collector.

Contributor's comments: What about Garbo for this one as in "quick take the rubbish out before the Garbo gets here".

Contributor's comments: More commonly in Brisbane as the "garbo" or "garbage man". Probably the only expression incorporating the word "garbage". ie very rarely have I heard anyone refer to "garbage" or "garbage bins".

Contributor's comments: A rubbish collecter has always been known as a 'Garbo' to me and to everyone I know.

Contributor's comments: You'd sound like a toff if you said "rubbish collector" in Brisbane. Use rather "rubbish man" or "garbo"