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noun (in children's games) the player called upon to perform some task, as in tag the one who must catch the other players. Compare he, in, up.

Contributor's comments: At primary school in East Gippsland we played 'Brandy', a chasing game involving a tennis ball, which was used by the person termed 'it', as in your 'it', to 'brand' another person in the game by throwing and hitting them with the ball, the 'branded' person became 'it', and the game continued in such a fashion, usually until everyone was too tired to continue playing.

Contributor's comments: I now live in Brisbane where my children play tiggy or tag, but their immunity is called being "on bar". When they are tagged, they become "it" or (I think this is an Americanism) "up".

Contributor's comments: Red Rover was played during physical education (PE) lessons at my suburban Adelaide school in the 1980s. 'It' would stand in the middle and call players with a certain characteristic (clothing, etc.) to cross, but when 'it' called "All over red rover!" every player had to cross.

Contributor's comments: [In] Perth and you were 'it' not up.

Contributor's comments: We played brandy at school in central Victoria in the mid 90's with a tennis ball but the participants that were not "it" were also allowed a "bat tennis bat" (about the size of a table tennis bat but made of hard plastic) to defend themselves with.

Contributor's comments: [Tasmania informant] In this game when you got past the person who was "it" you had to say "Hiacki-1-2-3 home" when you touched the home base.