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There are 1 results of your search for mornings wood.

mornings wood

kindling for starting the fire at the begining of the day: Can you gather some mornings wood for tomorrow morning please?

Contributor's comments: My father who lives in north central Victoria referred to kindling wood as morning's wood.

Contributor's comments: To me kindling is differentiated from mornings wood in that kindling was cut/sliced from a larger piece of, say, pine, whereas mornings wood is collected as twigs, small sticks and bark from under trees, esp. eucalypts.

Contributor's comments: Morning sticks is the expression used widely in Tasmania. If lucky you could cut them from something easy like old fence palings but often it was necessary to cut down a log into small strips which would be used for lighting a new fire first thing in the morning. Sometimes if one went wood hooking (walking through the bush to collect fallen bits of wood), then you may pick up small branches which could also be used to light the first fire in the morning.

Contributor's comments: [Tasmanian informant] kindling wood for use in restarting the fire each morning: "After the strong winds of last night there was plenty of morningswood available today."