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There are 1 results of your search for punnet.


It is, of course used to describe a small tray used most commonly for holding strawberries or other small fruit, but actress Anne Tenney used it in 'The Castle' to describe a bucket of ice cream. A Victorianism, perhaps?: I scooped the ice cream straight out of the punnet.

Contributor's comments: This was used in South Australia when I was a child. Mum would ask me to bring back a punnet of icecream from the shop. Originally it was made of cardboard when they changed to metal containers it was then referred to as a "bucket" of icecream.

Contributor's comments: This word is also used in South Australia for both meanings - fruit and ice-cream.

Contributor's comments: Commonly used in Perth, WA.

Contributor's comments: Punnet is also used in the ACT.

Contributor's comments: Never heard it used in Victoria to refer to ice-cream.