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There are 1 results of your search for silver beet.

silver beet

the plant Beta vulgaris cicla, having large, crisp, crinkly, strongly veined dark green leaves and a long fleshy stalk, used as a vegetable. As opposed to "English spinach", the plant Spinacia oleracae with light green leaves, also used as a vegetable. Compare spinach.
Contributor's comments: In NSW it's "spinach", in Victoria they call it "silver beet" - and vice versa for silver beet.

Contributor's comments: For the most part of my life I knew 'silver beet' as 'spinach'. It's only in the last few years I've known about 'English spinach', a vegetable with a smaller, smoother leaf of a paler green colour. Once the latter variant was not available in the greengrocers.

Contributor's comments: This is a green leafy vegetable in Victoria that is known as spinach in NSW. (There is a vegetable in Victoria known as spinach, but it is not the NSW spinach). A NSW resident would end up with the wrong vegetable by ordering spinach.

Contributor's comments: [Adelaide informant] otherwise known as spinach: "Silverbeet is good for you."

Contributor's comments: I'm a Canadian who lived in Melbourne for a few years. The name Silver Beet was totallly new to me. In Canada we call it Swiss Chard. It's nothing at all like what I know as any kind of spinach ('regular' spinach, English spinach or baby spinach).