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There are 1 results of your search for aggles.


alleys or marbles: I'll give you a game of aggles at playtime. Used in the western suburbs of Melbourne during the 40s and 50s. Compare acker1, aggie, aggot.

Contributor's comments: I went to primary school in Newport (3015) in the 50s and 60s and we used the term aggies not aggles. I never heard of aggles before.

Contributor's comments: I went to primary school in Bankstown NSW in the 40s and 50s and we used the term aggies not aggles. I have never heard of aggles before.

Contributor's comments: I have never heard aggles used in this context but we used the word aggott or aggotts (unsure of spelling). Schoolyard slang, early 50's.

Contributor's comments: Growing up in Elwood (postcode 3184) in the 50s, we called marbles "argles" as in aardvark.