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There are 1 results of your search for goonbag.


Wine that comes in a cask: I had no money for decent wine last week so I bought a goonbag. Compare boxie, goonbox, goonsack. Also, goonie bag.

Contributor's comments: A cask of (usually cheap) wine. The silver bag is usually removed to make it fit into the esky better: Did you bring the goon bag?

Contributor's comments: For a cheap night out stuff a goonbag down your pants and smuggle it into a club, unzip your fly for easy access to the nozzle and offer to replace your mates' empty with a nice glass of goon..

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] This is always shortened to just goon in my experience. As in, "Did you bring any goon with you?" Wine and Cheese nights are sometimes called 'Coon and Goon' nights.

Contributor's comments: 'Goon' comes in a 'goonsack' (i.e. the "bladder") or also called a 'goonbag'. A typical drinker of 'goon' is called a 'goonmonkey'.

Contributor's comments: Goon or goonie bag are more common for the really cheap varieties.

Contributor's comments: The use I know for goonbag is usually in "goonbag soccer" - the game you play by blowing up the empty goonbag and drunkenly kicking it about.

Contributor's comments: In uni at least on Hobart the more common term heard is goonBAG as the silver bag is more commonly seen at outdoor events and house parties. (Easier to store, excellent traveller.. the list is endless of its uses).