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There are 1 results of your search for doogs.


marbles: D'ya want a game of doogs, Johnny?

Contributor's comments: Adelaide suburbs in 1950s, but perhaps in wider use - not sure.

Contributor's comments: Your word map indicates that "doogs" is a WA regionalism. As I commented earlier, children in the 1950's at Auburn primary school in the mid-north of South Australia always called the game of marbles "doogs". I suppose the word may still exist in use only in WA.

Contributor's comments: Marbles (children's game). It was used by primary school boys in 1956-7 at the Auburn school (in the Clare Valley, not the NSW one).

Contributor's comments: Does anyone know the variant "dook" for this term?

Contributor's comments: Do people pronounce this word so the "oo" ryhmes with "book" or with "boot"?

Contributor's comments: It's the oo in book.

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] 'doogs' (pronounced as in "looks") was the name given to marbles in the playground at school in the sixties: "Would you like a game of doogs?"

Contributor's comments: Doogs was used in Harvey [WA] schools in the 1950s and 60s as the name for marbles. Hence a bag of doogs or a game of doogs. Games were "ringy" or 'tracky". Large doogs were "Tom Bowlers": "Do you want a game of doogs?"

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] Also often hear "good doogs" meaning "good stuff" or "thanks mate".