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There are 1 results of your search for echo.


noun a small returnable beer bottle; stubby.

Contributor's comments: A standard glass beer Stubby (375 ml) has a neck diameter of 1.9cm, while a South Australian brewer used to market (maybe still does) a Stubby with a neck size of about 3.5 cm, or a bit larger than the diameter of a milk bottle's neck. Consequently, the tip of the drinker's nose is usually on or just above the upper arc of the Echo's rim, and the drinker can hear himself breathe. It is this echo of the breath that gives rise to the name, which has been in use since at least 1975.

Contributor's comments: If my memory serves me correctly the term was originally used in SA in the 1970's when throw away stubbies were replaced by reusable bottles. Used less now as we have returned to the term "stubbie", just like the echo does.