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There are 2 results of your search for scrubber1.


common type of kangaroo frequently found in scrub country: It's a country term. Farmers or shooters would say for example "There are no blue kangaroos out there, only scrubbers"

Contributor's comments: Growing up in Adelaide, a scrubber always referred (in a highly derogatory sense) to a really trashy bogan/hick type person. A crass, roo-shooter type, who might wear their packet of smokes rolled up in their t-shirt sleeve and have unwashed clothes.

Contributor's comments: Also growing up in Adelaide, but probably earlier, '60s and '70s, I thought a scrubber was a person who didn't make the grade or was somehow second-rate, someone like a bad footballer or an unattractive girl. "She/he's a bit of a scrubber." This could be influenced by country usage, because there were boarders at my school.


The main use in western Qld is for cleanskin cattle.

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