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There are 1 results of your search for charnie bum.

charnie bum

someone who is from a lower class area/is uneducated: He's stupid. He is a Charnie Bum Also, charnie.

Contributor's comments: I think this could/should be "Shiny Bum", a term used for public servants - who sit on their bum all day and wear their pants out (doing nothing?!)

Contributor's comments: Could 'charnie bum' derive from the (comparatively impoverished) ACT suburb of Charnwood?

Contributor's comments: There is a suburb in Canberra, Charnwood, someimes referred to a Charnie, which has/had a higher than average public housing population and reputation as being an area populated by less affluent people. Based on the region of origin of this word, this makes sense.