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This word was used by my boyfriend's mum. (I am visiting from the US.) We were talking about digging up potatoes. If I took them from the garden without asking, felt like I was stealing them. "Bandicooting potatoes" was the regionalism used to replace digging or "stealing" potatoes: I'll bandicoot your potatoes from the garden.

Contributor's comments: 'We'll have to bandicoot some spuds when it gits dark' - It only applied in Tas when the tubers were to be stolen without disturbing the potato plants on top of the soil....bandicoots dig in under grass roots for grubs and worms to feed at night.

Contributor's comments: To steal potatoes from a field or garden by digging under the plant without disturbing the top of the plant: "Some #$%*^# has been bandicooting my spuds again"

Contributor's comments: [Tasmanian informant] to dig up vegies i.e. potatoes only when you need them for cooking: "I'm going to bandicoot some spuds for tea."

Contributor's comments: To go into someone else's property to steal fruit from a tree: "We went bandicooting for some mangoes."