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There are 1 results of your search for Boston bun.

Boston bun

An iced raisin loaf: Our baker makes lovely Boston buns.

Contributor's comments: Also found in Tasmania.

Contributor's comments: Very common tuckshop item in Brisbane schools in 1960's, 70's.

Contributor's comments: I am originally from Boston, Massachusetts and have Never encountered this treat before moving to Australia. I am not sure if Boston was selected to give it a more international appeal or if it was once a treat in Boston before my time. Perhaps it refers to it's English origin of Boston in the Area known as 'The Wash'. Incidentally, I was frequently offered this as a dessert when I arrived here with the expectation of comparison between the Melbourne 'Boston Bun' and it's Massachusetts counterpart.

Contributor's comments: I grew up buying Boston Buns at Brisbane school tuck shops, but have noticed lately that they are now also being called Chelsea Buns! Could this be a welcome move towards purging our Aussie slang of the all-pervading globalised (i.e. American) influence and reconnecting our bastardised mother tongue to her British origins?

Contributor's comments: This sounds like what we call here [Merredin, WA] a "jubilee twist".

Contributor's comments: Thankfully Boston Buns are still available in Tasmania. I had a piece yesterday (July 2003). As a school child in Hobart in 1956 with my lunch money of one shilling I would buy a whole Boston Bun costing 11 pence, freshly baked that morning. It was still warm. Now the same bun (yeast bun with sultanas similar to a hot cross bun) iced with very thick whipped icing [?with egg whites?] covered in coconut, is served sliced and spread thinly with butter. Still wonderful but not quite the same as having a whole one for myself to eat on the way back to school. Interestingly they are still purchased in a white paper bag.

Contributor's comments: My local bakery offers both Chelsea and Boston buns, so I do not think that there is a case to be made that one is surplanting the other.

Contributor's comments: A Boston bun was a bun make with dry mushed potato as one of the main ingredients - the ones you buy today are not Boston buns but top buns as they are not made with potato.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in South Australia and we always had boston buns in our school lunch order from the "canteen" they are a yeast fruit bun made in a big spiral shape, not one piece like hotcross buns, and could be unravelled, always had pink icing and nice with butter.